BitComet 1.52
BitComet is a fast and easy-to-use BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP download client. It is P2P file-sharing freeware and one of the most popular P2P protocols designed for high-speed distribution. BitComet supports simultaneous downloads, DHT networks (trackerless), a download queue, selected downloads in the Torrent package, fast-resume, disk caching, speed limits, auto port mapping, proxies, and IP filtering.
- Long-Time Seeding: Speed up downloading and revive dead torrents
- Torrent Share: Exchange torrent while downloading
- Magnet URI: Start BitTorrent download without .torrent file any more, using DHT network.
- Preview while Downloading: Preview of .avi .rmvb .wmv and other video files is available during downloading process.
- Crose Protocol Downloading: Benefit from HTTP/FTP/eMule download sources while BitTorrent downloading.
- Align File to Piece Boundary: Better for making torrent, fully compatible with old versions.
- Intelligent Connection Optimization: Configuration is automatically set to match your connection type.
- Intelligent Disk Cache: Memory cache is used to reduce the read/write frequency of your hard drive, increasing device life.
- Intelligent Disk Allocation: Reduce disk fragmentation.
- DHT network: Start BitTorrent download without connecting to any tracker.
- Auto Config ICF (Internet Connection Firewall) and ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) in Windows.
- Auto Config UPNP port mapping in router (UPnP support is required in router).
- Disabling or Setting Priority of files in torrent: Files can be skipped for downloading, or set to higher / lower priority, allowing you to select which file finish first.
- Also support Multi-tracker, DHT, utf-8 extension, and UDP tracker Protocol v2.
Note: Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application.
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